5 Reasons to Hire a Commercial Real Estate Professional

September 5, 2019

Whether you’re buying or selling, traversing the realm of commercial real estate on your own can be a seriously daunting task. That’s precisely why contacting a commercial leasing agent should be your first step when beginning the process. While this might just seem like an additional cost to you upfront, there are many benefits to hiring on this extra help to support you throughout the process. Some of the most significant reasons include:

1. Clear Insight

Sometimes, objectivity is difficult. This is especially true when it comes to large purchases where businesses and a great deal of money are at stake. Emotions tend to cloud judgment and can make negotiating and seeing a situation quite difficult for the untrained property shopper. When you work with a commercial leasing agent, this doesn’t have to be an issue. They can remove the barrier of emotional attachment from a situation to get a more thorough reading on what a property is really worth so they can get you the best deal without landlords trying to drive up the cost with sentimentality or frustration.


2. Professional Representation

If you really want to be taken seriously throughout the negotiation process involved in buying a new property, hiring a commercial real estate agent is the first step you should consider. Having professional representation during these early interactions shows sellers that you’re serious about striking a good deal. Furthermore, it means landlords looking to get as much money as possible out of a deal are less likely to try to take advantage of you because you have someone who can spot unfair offers immediately.


3. Be in the Know

Certified agents are required to receive up to 180 hours of education on real estate in some states. This gives them the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the market like the backs of their hands. When you choose to hire a professional, they can share this knowledge with you and guide you through the often confusing terms and details associated with property rentals so you never feel lost or that you’re in over your head. You’ll know exactly what’s going on while looking for your perfect property at all times, which seriously reduces the stress of the whole endeavor.


4. Unearth More About Any Property

A property’s purpose in the past is more important than you might think, especially in terms of reputation. For example, if you’re looking to set up a successful restaurant venture, you may not want to work out of a building that was once designated as a vet clinic or a place that’s associated with any “dirty” practice. The building might be perfectly fine for your purposes now, but past reputation can still harm your business. Commercial leasing agents have the power to pull up this info, so you always have forewarning about potential issues with previous establishments that occupied a space before signing a contract.


5. One-Stop Property Shopping

Perhaps the best thing about working with the pros is that it’s a fairly hands-off experience on your part. You let your agent know your goals and sit back while they hunt down the perfect match. You can be as hands-on or as uninvolved as you please, which is a huge boon for someone with a busy schedule.

Work with Denver’s Best Commercial Realtors, Unique Properties Today!

Work with a commercial leasing agent while looking for your next commercial property purchase in order to get these benefits and many, many more. Cut down on your stress by contacting Unique Properties to learn more about commercial real estate and get more information on properties in your area. Your business is important, and upgrading your premises can go a long way towards facilitating success. Ensure you’re getting the help you need along the way so your business can thrive in its new location.


Image Credit: Shutterstock/Rover stock

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